Sujati Studio Blog

Musings, inspirations, studio snippets and latest news from Sue at Sujati Art Studio

Bringing back blogging...

I blogged regularly for many years on a free site.

I loved it, I have always loved to write, but it became hard to keep up with so MANY places online requiring updates, and with the short attention span and hungry content algorithm of social media, my posts became shorter and less personal and eventually felt like a chore rather than a pleasure.

Now feels like the time to bring a little blogging back!

If short, sweet socials are your thing that's great ( and I'll still be doing plenty of that!) , but if , like me, you like to dig a little deeper, browse a little longer and wander a little deeper behind the scenes, then this is the place for you my friend.

Grab a cuppa and kick back and if you would like for us to get to know each other a little better and read on...

Most recent post is just below .

March 8th 2025

Let's start the month with a new FREE tutorial on YouTube for March!

Filmed live, a sweet journal portrait ! I love the mix of fear and freedom that comes along with these live sessions...I show up, I make art, I talk through what I am doing and lose myself in the creative process. Take a look and get inspired!

Enjoy it here !

Tuesday Feb 11th 2025

Free Demo - filmed live!

I promise....

That's it, right here in black and white , my promise that I'm fully committed to a live demo, every month for the whole of 2025 . The live session will take place initially in my Facebook Group, where replays are available for a limited time, but better yet, shortly after broadcast it will also be uploaded to my YouTube channel where all demo sessions will remain available permanently.

Speaking of commitments, I'm REALLY going for it this month as I am also taking part in the I00 Days Project this year, starting February 23rd.

I've decided to create a ten minute portrait for 100 can be ANYTHING you want it to be, so if this appeals to you, get your thinking cap on and decide what your project might be. This is such a great way to show up for yourself, deepen your art practice and develop your skills too. If you are taking part, please do tag me on your socials if you decide to document your journey - and also use the hashtag 100daysproject to search out other creators who are taking part - it's a wonderful way to discover other creatives and connect with them! I'll be sharing my progress and adding videos of each project across social media and also on my YouTube channel - I'm excited to begin soon!

January 19th 2025

Signs of life....not sure how we got to mid-Jan so fast, it's been CRAZY busy behind the scenes here!!

I have a brand new class , released this month, and if you catch this post before end of Jan, you can snag it for just $35, ( regular price will be $45 from Feb 1st) giving you full, unlimited, lifetime access to ten juicy journal lessons to start off your year full of creative inspiration!

Sign up for Journal Jamboree HERE!

ALSO - my first online show of 2025 is almost here! Join us for 'Roses and Thorns' , starting Jan 30th right HERE at Earth Guardians Art Gallery. This is an online event so anyone, anywhere is welcome to take a look and enjoy the wonderful offerings we have for you!

Some more very exciting new projects are in the works, which I can't talk about QUITE yet...coming soon! Have a beautiful day out there, thank you for reading .



Monday 9th December 2024

How the heck did we get to December so fast?!

SOOOO many plans behind the scenes for 2025 - but before that, how about a little gift from me to you?

FREE online class 'Bird Queen' is now open. Sign Up HERE!

Lifetime, unlimited access once enrolled. My gift , from my heart to yours - THANK YOU for being here, for reading my musings and for supporting and enjoying my artwork here in my teeny tiny corner of the internet!

Happy creating ! Enjoy!

Friday 1st November

Dark evenings and misty mornings....I love the inspiration that comes with the Autumn season. There is SO much colour!

Soaking it all in, I walked my favourite walk this week- just look at that view! Armed with a pocket full of peanuts for the squirrels - precious, magical times!

What does the fall season mean to you? Time to rest? Time to create? There is plenty of work to do as we head towards the Holiday season, but I am trying hard to keep a balance and make the most of the beauty in Nature right now - it changes so fast this time of year, I want to drink it all in before the trees are bare!

Tuesday 8th October 2024 - Gratitude and Creative Healing

The world is a scary place right now, and my heart aches for the planet and the human cost in all of the upheavals and devastating events everywhere.

Today I hide, peaceful, in my studio, deeply grateful for every moment of comfort and joy that this brings. Painfully aware that, in a single moment, life can change for any one of us.

I feel a pang of guilt for my pleasures, for my comforts, for my joy in losing myself in creative bliss...but I know and trust that this is why I am on this earth. To create. To bring healing with my art and in sharing my creativity with others. Today, I sink into my muse and create to heal myself , embracing my joy and soaking my soul in creative play, shutting out the chaos. Tomorrow I come back stronger and ready to share and help others too.

Have a beautiful day my friend, seek pleasure in the tiniest of things, soothe your soul with a quiet moment of love and gratitude, give yourself permission to be joyful and breathe it in deeply!

Sunday 22nd September 2024

A change of pace as summer is drawing to a close. We were blessed with a week of AMAZING weather as the schools return, after a rather disappointing summer. A spectacular week which also ended with some spectacular storms... I spent Thursday and Friday at the beach splashing in the waves and soaking up stunning clear blue skies and open sands (most of the tourists have now gone home, so this time feels even more special, enjoying the beauty of Cornwall in summer without the August crowds...nothing against the tourists, we need them and who WOULDN'T want to visit a place like this?! But a wide open beach is a beautiful thing to behold I gotta say!!) ...But Saturday saw thunder, lightening and even a short hailstorm. Such a contrast!

I can't decide if it's time to pack up my beach bag yet or not-I am an optimist, so will hold out for another week just in case. You truly never know in Cornwall!

In other news, I've just updated my shop - take a look whilst you are here - there is FREE shipping worldwide on all items, it's a great time to snap up your fave, or maybe even a gift or two ;)

Tuesday September 10th

What a beautiful start to this month with the Art Soul Gathering from the amazing Ida Anderson Lang ( if you didn't see her work yet go seek her out!). If you are new around here WELCOME! I am seeing lots of new faces who have joined with me through the ASG, and I am delighted to welcome you into my world!

Behind the scenes here is BUSY! Lots of shows online throughout the rest of this year AND.....a brand new class almost ready to release!

Coming soon - Textile Art Treasure Box Workshop. There will be an early bird price, so watch out for an email for a significant discount when the class is launched . I am so excited to be sharing this one with you... it's been on my to-do list for so long!

( oh and if you are reading this and you are NOT signed up to receive my emails, you can sign up HERE! )

More news soon!

Sunday August 4th 2024

Time for waking early and flinging open all the doors and windows. For painting al fresco and taking long evening walks. Glorious summer time... OK , well I am in the UK, so actually we also get a fair amount of rain too, but I really do LOVE this time of year!

I just released a brand new class - 'Conversations of the Soul' which I am super excited about!

Join me and create an expressive pair of mixed media portraits that really 'speak' to each other!

This is a mixed media class, using a limited palette to create two entirely different, and yet deeply connected characters as feminine portraits.

You can find out more about it HERE!

Almost Half-Way!

June 23rd 2024 - we are in the final week of June and I find myself still running to keep up! It's hot and sticky this week, but the bonus of that is that I can cart all my supplies outside and work al fresco! It is TOTALLY worth all of the trips back and forth! I am breathing life into two new online classes this month...more on that very soon. There is something about realising that we are halfway through the year that puts a rocket in me to get stuff DONE!

I hope the summer months are being kind to you out there. The world is a little loud and crazy right now, elections happening both here and in the US seem to be all that I hear about when I lift my head to see what is going on (and just as quickly hide myself away again!) It's good to know what's going on, I believe in staying informed, but too much can be total overwhelm. I think that is my message for today, that if it all feels too much just shut it off and step away. Cherish all the good and beautiful things in your life and turn off the noise. Today is my eldest daughter's wedding anniversary. Recollecting that beautiful day and seeing them so happy and strong is all I need for today!

Have a beautiful one and make a little time for creativity if you get the chance!

Blink of an eye!

7th June 2024 - wow! what an incredibly busy and fulfilling month May was! I am only now catching my breath and creating a collection of new works in preparation for the June online show.

This is one of the offerings I'll be including , Radiant Harmony. I am finally able to paint outside as the weather has come in a little more kindly than it was. I think this warm palette reflects my joy in that . I'm also working on a brand new online class- more info on that soon!

New Homes!

April 23rd 2024

Delighted to be sending some of my latest pieces to new forever homes this week. SO much happening in the studio as I prepare for now one but TWO super special shows in May ( see events section for more info!)

Grey and More Grey!

11th April 2024

It's the second week of April as I write this and the rain continues...Spring is taking it's time to arrive here!

I have to satisfy myself with splashes of bold, bright colour in the studio. On a more positive note, I am getting SO much work done, productivity is high, I definitely can see a few days off, totally guilt-free in my future, when the sunshine finally DOES arrive!

When the muse demands!

1st April 2024

I am SO grateful for coffee!

My muse is a night owl! I

wake early this time of year, my body seems to know it is almost Spring, (despite the grey and miserable start we have had this year!)

No matter how early I wake, my muse so often demands to be fed late at night, bombarding me with fresh ideas, inspirations and the burning desire to go back into the studio 'just for a few minutes' on my way to bed . At 6pm I am bleary-eyed, considering a nap before dinner and looking forward to an early night... However, at midnight I am wide-eyed and getting paint on my pjs because it just can't wait until the morning!

The muse wants what it wants. Who am I to argue?!

I rarely nap in the daytime, hating to lose daylight and always feeling guilty about it, so I am almost always a little sleep deprived this time of year. Hopefully it will settle soon!

It doesn't do any real harm, but it makes me terrible company on a long car journey, I zonk out like a toddler a few minutes in, so don't ask me to navigate, I'm hopeless .

Do you notice your rhythms changing with the seasons?